Archive for June, 2009


Pump Seminar DVD Available!!!


Ip Ching gettin R Done!!!




Sifu Moses


Video from the Seminar


VTGFI Seminar



The first Wing Chun seminar was a successful one, not in terms of numbers – which is never the true goal – but in terms of the information that was dispersed and in terms of the attendants getting what they wanted out of an Intro to Wing Chun seminar.

The seminar began with a brief intro to Wing Chun fighting theory and how to obtain it. This led to a demonstration of Siu Lim Tao – Wing Chun’s “little idea” form. Attendants then went through Siu Lim Tao with Instructor Moses Flores as  he explained various portions of the form and their energies and purposes. It was not an exhaustive explanation but enough to convey the basic understanding and where the training should be heading. This lead to working Dan Chi Sau since understanding the energies of Siu Lim Tao is what is essential for Chi Sau and fighting ultimately.

Next was Chum Kiu. A brief contrast was given regarding the training of the first form and Chum Kiu, “seeking the bridge”. Again, Instructor Flores demonstrated Chum Kiu and then took practitioners through the entire form. The obvious differences in Chum Kiu are the footworks. There is shifting, stepping, rising, sinking and kicking that all need to be learned and mastered in Chum Kiu.  Practitioners were able to feel the concepts of dissipating force as well as stepping or Biu Ma.

Next, Chi Sau was covered. The main points of Chi Sau as a training exercise are to develop proper use of energy, good hand techniques, understanding of good positioning for fighting and sensitivity and reflexes. Doing Dan Chi Sau require some effort to get down, but when two hands are going at the same time – which is the reality of fighting – things can get bit trickier so to speak. Chi Sau training helps to deal with the reality of fighting with both hands and making use of the opponents mistakes. It also teaches you how to open up an opponent so that you can strike them when and where you need to. Everybody got to spend some time with the basic roll and try a lap sau with a faak sau.

While many attempt to keep Biu Jee a secret, the reality is that there are no secrets. As was mentioned in the beginning, if anybody wants to see Biu Jee, all one has to do is get on the internet and look up the form!! Biu Jee is part of the natural progression and training of wing chun. However it was mentioned that Biu Jee training is only proper after extensive mastery of the handwork and footwork of Siu Lim Tao and Chum Kiu; thus, rather than it being a “secret”, as Ip Chun says, it is simply a matter of being ready for the Biu Jee training or not. So we went through some Biu Jee concepts and got to have a taste of what its like to be in an “emergency” and how to get out.

After that Instructor Flores demonstrated the Mook Yan Jong, Wooden Dummy and then let practitioners have a go at section 2 and see the applications in free fighting and in chi sau.

Finally, the seminar concluded with a question and answer session and weapon demos. Both the Look Dim Boom Kwan and the Baat Jam Do forms were demonstrated for the practitioners to see!!!

a video preview will be up on YouTube soon as well as a DVD ‘s of the seminar for a nominal fee with shipping and handling. The DVD’s total almost 4 hours of footage!!! In the mean time, I’ve posted a few pics of the seminar on here.



Sifu Moses Flores and Sifu Tim Santos

June 2009