Archive for January, 2011


Ready for more Ip Ching Wing Chun? Sifu Matt Johnson returning for Chi Sau Seminar!!!

Ok, so lets get the new year off to a good start and we’re going to do that by brining down Ip Ching student, Sifu Matt Johnson of the Ving Tsun Self Defense Academy in Chicago, Ill. (Click here for website). Our last Chi Sau seminar was in June where Sifu Matt dished out information about Ip Ching’s methods of Pak Sau and Lap  Sau!! That’s right, 5 hours to cover just 2 techniques but really delving into them and learning how to apply them from many different  positions and situations in Chi Sau.

Then in October, Sifu Matt was brought down for private training with his students, and we were able to explore more ideas with very minimal concepts for Chi Sau to learn how to simply and be efficient! Here is a clip of that training.

This Chi Sau seminar looks to finish up 2 other techniques and learn how to apply them from various situations in Chi Sau and then learn how all those techniques, and the Chi Sau training, come together into Wing Chun’s fighting method.

It is quite common for many outsiders to assume that Wing Chun seeks to fight through Chi Sau but this is not so. Chi Sau is just a way of training to build certain skills that all have a part in fighting. Things like timing, speed, sensitivity, energy, etc…Sifu Matt will explain the fighting methods of Wing Chun.

The date for the seminar will be on February 19th with the location to be announced (so stay tuned!!). The seminar will begin at 12pm and finish at about 5pm. That’s right!!! 5 hours of Chi Sau theory and training!!! Believe me, its a lot! The fee? Only $100!!!

Now, for those who sign up  ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 1st, will not only get the seminar but will also recieve FREE TRAINING for the ENTIRE MONTH of February with Sifu Moses Flores’ training group in Mission, TX!! Yes, you read that right!!! This goes for current students and new sign ups!!!

Who can attend? Beginners, intermediate, advanced practitioners and practitioners from other lineages of wing chun are welcomed to attend. Those just starting in the art can get baptized by fire and those with some skill can only boost what they already have through attending the seminar!

Sifu Matt will also be available for some private training slots on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 17th and 18th. First slots go to his students and grandstudents but there are a few slots available for anyone else wishing to do some private training with Sifu Matt Johnson.

If you need further information about this seminar and/or private training fees and time, you may inquire with Sifu Moses Flores at or call at 956-207-1811. YOu may also call Sifu Tim Santos at 956-371-7797 or email him at

Sifu Moses Flores

Ving Tsun Gung Fu Institute

January 2011